Any bend, angle, or concavity represents the materialized ideas of the designer. Transforming into a pattern and gaining personality, they thereby contribute to the final creation of a unique environment. All this becomes possible due to expanded polystyrene, the technical properties of which allow for extending the boundaries of imagination and creating exceptional opportunities. Injection-type expanded polystyrene (EPS) has become the first and main mat erial in our work back in 2013, at the very beginning of the history of the Valan Decor company. As a result, the Decostar Decostyle brand was created, offering consumers decorative moldings, ceiling cornices and rosettes, 3D panels, and proprietary angular structures. The latest injection method of manufacturing decorative elements makes it possible for products to have a homogeneous structure and high density so that the products are durable, flexible, and with a smooth surface and natural shine.

Injection Polystyrene

Stretch Ceiling

Corner is Available

Ready to Paint

About the Main

Styling and Profiling
The natural shine o f injection-type expanded polystyrene will add luxury and sophistication to your interior.

Peace and Harmony
Nothing should pre vent you from getting a perfect result; the smooth surfac e of the injection-type expanded polystyrene is the key to good luck in achie ving your goal.

Your Eco-Friend
Do you want t o avoid toxic discharges? Then injection-type expanded polystyrene is exactly what you need since products made of this mat erial are environmentally friendly.

Flexibility and Hardness
High flexibility and high density (40 k g/ m3). At first glanc e, these tw o qualities are incompatible but get ac quainted with products made o f injection-type expanded polystyrene in w ork and w e are ready to convince you.